Donate to ALBION-HOMER United Way

Since 1965, we have been problem-solvers, the hand-raisers, and the game-changers for the Albion-Homer community. We go after our communities’ toughest challenges. We develop solutions. And we work with people from all walks of life to turn those solutions into action.  We focus on more than just a single issue or community. We work to improve the health, education and financial stability or our community members by working together.




All contributions designated for the Emergency Relief Fund will stay in the Albion and Homer communities with 100% of dollars raised granted to help meet local agency needs during the COVID-19 crisis. There will be no administrative fees charged. AHUW started the fund with a $7,500 allocation from the annual campaign.

Albion-Homer United Way is working with local government and social service agencies to ensure a coordinated and efficient effort to quickly disburse funds raised to assist local needs.

The AHUW board and other volunteers will review immediate local needs so funds can quickly get to organizations in our communities.